Calculation & Data Analysis

Once the stable isotope analysis is complete and the data has been generated at Metabolic Solutions, the handling and presentation of that data becomes a critical aspect to the overall success of the project. Isotopic data is often expressed using complex, non-intuitive units that can make understanding the endpoints of experiments difficult. We will simplify and explain the calculations and data analysis.

Prior to the initiation of the study, spreadsheets can be prepared and validated that will allow a simplified interpretation of the data generated from the laboratory. For example, in gastric emptying studies, the breath 13CO2 excretion curves are modeled in two different ways for the estimation of the emptying rate.

Gastric Emptying Breath 13CO2 Curves


These validated spreadsheets can be prepared in compliance with CFR Part 11. Our staff is available to discuss any other stable isotope related calculations that may be necessary to make the data more useful to your research.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding calculations or data analysis, please contact us for further information.