You have selected the hydrogen breath test kit designed for easy at home testing to determine if you suffer from fructose malabsorption.
Any questions please call us at 866-302-1998 (M- F 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST)
Have you been told that you have IBS, celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, or lactose intolerance but all the recommended dietary changes don’t make you feel better? Well the answer may be that you have been misdiagnosed. The symptoms of fructose malabsorption mimic all these diseases. Gut-Chek for fructose malabsorption is a simple way of determining whether your suffering can be eliminated through a different dietary approach. With this knowledge you can begin the road to recovery and take back your life.
Gut-Chek for fructose malabsorption is the same version of the hydrogen/methane breath test used at leading medical centers and ordered routinely by thousands of doctors. It is simple to use, non-invasive and accurate. We will measure each sample for hydrogen and methane gases as well as perform a quality control measure of the CO2 levels. You can order this home test today for just $199.00 with free shipping and a no questions asked full refund policy if you are not completely satisfied.
Medical professionals agree that the hydrogen breath is the best option available to test for fructose malabsorption. Gut-Chek gives you easy, at home access to this leading technology.
The fact that people vary significantly in their ability to process fructose has only recently been understood. The issue has become more relevant in the last decade because of the changes to our diet. Whether you are consuming more fruit through fruit smoothies or eating more processed food the amount of fructose in the average diet has increased. Fructose malabsorption is commonly overlooked as a source of belly pain. Recent research seems to indicate that many IBS patients actually have fructose malabsorption and experience improvement of symptoms on a low fructose diet.
Our bodies may be exposed to sugars like fructose in larger quantities than we can absorb. Fruits typically contain high levels of the sugar fructose. However, many foods contain fructose corn syrup as a sweetener. Check our list of foods that contain fructose.
If you do get gas, experience bloating, abdominal pain or diarrhea after foods with fructose, you may be having fructose malabsorption. You should test with the Gut-Chek Hydrogen Breath Test for Fructose Malabsorption.